Music News
“An artist headed for greatness”

“Roxy Rawson knows how to bewitch a crowd… Her music is beautifully peculiar… Comparisons to the likes of Joanna Newsom and Regina Spektor are beginning to emerge. With each show, the applause gets louder and her name gets bigger.”
Independent on Sunday
“Her sheer knowledge of musical craft shines brightly and is breathtaking. She maintains incredible vocal finesse, especially, to navigate this intricate arrangement with such a fine blend of poise and passion.”
“A fresh and exciting talent”
John Kennedy, Xfm
Tom Robinson, BBC Radio 6
Previous Press Quotes
This is how pop should be - from the heart, freewheeling, and full of fun. It's been said many times already, but here we have the UK's answer to Regina Spektor, a comparison that will both delight and frustrate a rising star who has worked hard to ensure her distinctiveness. The future: belongs to Roxy Rawson. Watch this space.
Hitchin-raised Rawson, compared to Joanna Newsom and Regina Spektor by the Independent On Sunday as much we suspect for her leaping, swooping, occasionally properly falsetto vocals, is a conservatoire-trained violinist.. she can conjure plucked intimacy and soaring grandiosity within the space of this one song. Eccentric, to a degree, but also spellbinding.
Sweeping the Nation
Roxy Rawson is to the violin what Anni Rossi is to the viola: a playful, hiccupping mistress of unpredictable, manic creativity and tongue-twisting, head-turning lyrics who can have any audience eating out of her graceful hand after only one song.
Wears the Trousers
I could, with ease, see this played on the summer festivals, to thousands of people cheering upon hearing the opening notes.
Criticism Fridge
Like Tom's Diner crossed with Nellie McKay. Gorgeous minimal percussion and her joy shines bright. You can't help but revel in the creativity of Ms Rawson's occasionally wild, sometimes tender composition.
Planet Sound